Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wow a wild {almost} two weeks...

Wow I am so glad that the ice is gone and power is back on. I didn't think I was ever going to get home. Myles had to go to the ER he had an upper respiratory infection Shane got really sick and is still trying to over come it I was a little congested and now Morgan is getting it. She hasn't had a fever for almost 2 years so this is really hard on her. I went from home to gville to Nashville to hop town back to gville and finally home!! Only to frozen pipes and then a floor full of water and it ruined the floors. A fridge, freezer and deep freeze full of bad food and ice cream all in the floor and no telling what else. I am so thankful that we are home and that I can sleep in my own bed. I am also thankful that I had my sister Macy and Amanda's to go for a warm place to sleep.

Here are some of the pictures I took of the storm...





Here are some of the girls when we stayed at Amanda's...




Here the kids are staying warm and the last one is of Myles eating a onion ring...YIKES!!! We came home to spend some time with daddy cause he had to work and he stayed here we brought him something warm to eat so we were all sitting in the truck staying warm and we got to talking and wasn't watching what Myles was doing I mean Shane was holding him so who would have thought he would have grabbed up a bite to eat!!



And here are some of my little man that I took before the storm hit I just love his little bum!! Oh and he is starting to crawl!!!! He is doing things so much faster then Morgan ever did. I think we let him down more then we did her.



amanda persinger said...

You Have to give me these pictures!! love them!! And..I absolutely Love that pict. of Myles!!

Leanne said...

Myles' little bottom is sooo cute! Glad to have you all back safe and hopefully on the road to all being well.