Monday, January 12, 2009

way behind... again :-}

Ok I am way behind once again. It has been so busy around here birthdays, parties, Christmas, New years and so on. We had a great Christmas. Morgan got more then she needed. She kept saying how did Santa now I wanted this, hum I wonder!!!

The Library had Santa and we took the kids, had a great time wish I could say the same for the Santa..he was an ole fart!! Not much on smiling but I guess the kids didn't notice as much as the parents.

Avery had her 4th birthday party and we were so glad to be able to go. She had a cupcake party and it was so much fun! The kids got to decorate the cupcakes and they really enjoyed it!

Morgan had her first dance recital and sadly we could not take any pictures or record it so I got a few not so good pictures afterwards. She was so excited that Caden was there she wouldn't be still.

Well thats got it for now I hope to get back into the swing of things soon!! I miss blogging!


Leanne said...

I am so glad to see a new post from you! Looks like you all have been busy.

That is not right that you can't take pictures of her recital... She is adorable!

amanda persinger said...

'bout time! :)

I am so glad you all got to come to Avery's party! We miss you!!