Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Kiddo's

We took little man to the chiropractor and he is doing so much better!! I am so glad we finally took him. He still has his days but we all do, or I know I do. He is so different and so much happier. They are both sick right now MoMo has the croup and an ear infection. He just has a cold. He weighed 12.10 at the doctor he is getting big way to fast!! We missed going to the library and dance so MoMo isn't happy. Before he got sick I got to take some pictures, Morgan and I gave him a Mohawk. MoMo wanted him to look like her Caden.



Here he is cheesing for Mommy...

Here is my big girl she is so much help with little man she still wants to hold him first thing in the morning...can't get much sweeter then that!



Here are the kiddo's painting the pumpkin, MoMo wanted to paint it then after it dryed I caught her pulling it off!!




Leanne said...

They are so sweet! I am proud of you for letting Morgan paint, Good Momma!! Hope they are all feeling better. We missed you guys on Thursday. Abe talks about baby Myles and Morgan all the time.

Misty said...

They are so cute! I can't believe how big Myles is getting, glad to know he is doing better.

amanda persinger said...

LOVE the mohawk!! He is getting so big! I need you all to come down and stay with us!!!

LeeAnn said...

I am glad he is feeling better. It was good to see you a few weeks ago at Wal-Mart. I love the pictures!

Leslie said...

I love his smile! It's good to hear that he is doing better.

Maxed-Out-Mama said...

Brandy, I'm so glad you took him to the chiropractor. That was our saving grace with Carter. I went in last week and asked if you had stopped by because I was worried about your well-being. :-)Glad to see you're doing great!